Sunday, November 25, 2012

Understanding Technology is Key in the Workforce

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Generation Y Is Taking Over the Business Workforce

Individuals who were born among the years of Generation Y are also known as Millennials. The retirement of Baby Boomers has continued to increase, causing higher numbers of Millennials to be recruited and involved in the workplace. A large number of businesses have not fully adapted to Generation Y employees because their characteristics differ greatly compared to earlier generations. Businesses need to embrace the new changes so that all employees can bring their best qualities to the table.

Common Characteristics of Millennials

One of the biggest factors that set apart Generation Y employees is that they are extremely technologically savvy. They had the opportunity of growing up alongside the technology boom so they have adapted to learning almost everything about different technological devices. This is a major advantage for them because businesses are utilizing and depending on multiple types of technology on a daily basis. Other characteristics of millennials include that they desire flexibility, appreciate feedback, are self-directed, hard-workers, and they are more comfortable with diversity in the workplace. All of these attributes can be very beneficial for every type of business operating today.

The Workplace Must Adapt to Satisfy the Increase in Generation Y Employees

According to Deskmag, “this global generation is 375 million strong and by 2025 will make up 75% of the workforce.” By that time, it is crucial that businesses have altered enough in order to provide the majority of the workers with the best conditions possible. Millennials are being selective as ever when it comes to choosing what company they plan to work for because it is essential that they are not only happy, but they can attain the proper balance between their job and all other aspects of their life. Companies definitely need to look into increasing flexibility, social interaction, and innovative environments to satisfy current and future employees. 


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Classes That Involve Technology can be Beneficial for Some but Unhelpful for Others

An iPad's Light Weight is a Large Advantage Over Laptops

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Young Girl Shot by the Taliban in Pakistan for Advocating Education for Women

On Tuesday earlier this week, Malala Yousafzai was attacked on her way home from school. She was shot twice, once in the head and then in the neck. Malala is now in critical condition from the gunshots. The Taliban intended to kill the fourteen-year-old girl, but there is hope that she will survive. Unfortunately, according to a Taliban spokesman, if Malala survives, the “militants will certainly try to kill her again.” The Taliban is greatly intimidated by this girl and they refuse to accept her contrary opinions and beliefs. The spokesman also claims that Malala is symbolizing Western culture in the area and it is her own fault for getting attacked since she is so openly against the Taliban.

Malala Became Widely Recognized Through Different Methods of Supporting Women's Educational Rights

Malala Yousafzai has been in the eye of the public ever since 2009 when her school was forced to close down. At only eleven years old, she was extremely passionate when it came to learning and was not going to give up the fight to defend every woman’s right to earn an education. Malala began to write a blog under a pen pal name of Gul Makai for BBC’s Urdu service. In her array of blog posts, she talked about how she was affected by the Taliban’s prohibitions, and what her hopes and dreams were regarding education. Other media outlets became interested in everything Malala had to say so she was incorporated into different documentaries. As Malala got older, her fights grew stronger. She was gaining intelligence and popularity at a rapid rate. In 2011, Malala was nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize. Shortly after, she was honored to receive the first National Peace Award for Youth. If Malala survives and avoids the Taliban, she will only become a stronger force with enough determination to help guide her to achieve all of her wishes.

American Newspaper Coverage of Malala’s Story

All American newspapers report on international news in addition to the news stories that take place in our country. Therefore, there are multiple options for a person to choose from when researching breaking news. Not all newspapers share the same perspectives on topics so it may be beneficial to read the same story from more than one source.  In this case, I chose to look at an article from The Washington Post. Faheem Younus wrote the article in the Washington Post and he took more of an informal approach with his writing style.  The article contains a lot of good information and almost all of the details relating to Malala’s story. Younus is very opinionated throughout the article. It is obvious from the start that he is strongly disturbed by the Taliban’s actions because he opens by saying “when I was wondering if extremists could do anymore damage to Islam’s image, they committed yet another despicable act” (Washington Post). Younus has every intention of sharing his views on the matter with the readers because it is such a large ordeal and most Americans will probably have similar perspectives. He even closes the article with his own message to Malala telling her that she is not alone, millions of people are on her side, and that the Taliban will never win. The Washington Post provides their readers with a story that incorporates much more than just factual information.

Pakistan Version Takes a Different Approach 

The foreign newspaper, Al Jazeera, also published an article about Malala Yousafzai. This article gave readers the same details about Malala and the attack, but other than that it was very different from The Washington Post article. Al Jazeera’s article was much shorter and only provided readers with general information regarding Malala’s story. The author of the article describes the attack and Malala’s background of being an advocate for women’s education. No other pieces of information or opinions were included in the article. There is no bias considering readers cannot determine what side of the story the author is on just by reading the article.  Overall, the article is concise and well written.

Reliability on Accurate Information Differs Depending on Certain Articles

I believe that one newspaper may not always be the best source to use. Looking at multiple newspapers that report on the same topic is the best method in order to gain the most accurate information. In this case, Al Jazeera may be the better newspaper to trust because the article itself isn’t biased, even though I actually trust both articles. The Washington Post article has all of the same factual information about Malala and what happened earlier this week, but the author incorporates extra information focused on defending Malala. Trust also depends on the readers themselves. Everyone has different opinions so some people may trust other newspapers more based on their own personal interpretations. I gained good insight about Malala Yousafzai from reading the article from the American newspaper, as well as reading the article from the foreign newspaper. 

Feel free to check the articles out and see which one you like better!
Washington Post
Al Jazeera